Sprinkler System Activation


$69.55 inc. tax

$65.00 ex. tax
? Tax based on New Jersey, United States.

Sprinkler System Activation Plus Inspection

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Activating your sprinkler system during the spring is important because your landscape is finally waking up from dormancy. It allows you to properly irrigate your lawns, but after the long winter, it’s not so easy to turn on the sprinkler system. During winter, the temperature goes down and the water freezes, and it expands as it freezes into its solid form. Because the water is trapped in the irrigation or sprinkler system with nowhere to go, the tubes and piping bursts, obviously causing serious damage. The winterizing process means there are preparation steps that need to be reversed at the end of the winter, in order to make sure the sprinkler system is in proper working order. Parts not included $65.00 service fee covers the Cumberland County area only

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